“Fascia Researcher Robert Schleip, PhD, tells us that whole body stretches like this help keep your fascia hydrated and healthy. But unlike cats and dogs, humans tend to stifle this natural urge. In polite company such movement is considered rude. We tend to confine our full body stretching to the yoga studio. But because human lifestyles have become so sedentary, our bodies crave those full body stretches much more frequently than a few times a week. We tend to confine our full body stretching to the yoga studio. But because human lifestyles have become so sedentary, our bodies crave those full body stretches much more frequently than a few times a week.
What if we were to emancipate our collective body images?
What if we stopped worrying about what others think when we grant our bodies the movement they need? (..) “
[Mary Bond]
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